Saturday 26 October 2013

Preparing for Winter

The nights are drawing in and winter is on its way.

This week in the vegetable garden, we have been clearing out the crops that have passed their best and weeding the beds in readiness for some winter sowing.

We still have some crops maturing including savoy cabbages, Brussels sprouts and leeks.

Khadijah has been busy potting up strawberry runners, whilst Maccorley has been cutting back the raspberry canes. Nazir harvested the last of the butternt squashes and turnips.

On our return to school after half term, we will be taking delivery of our Woodland Trust trees so there will be lots of planting to do. We also be totting up our Morrisons Let's Grow vouchers and thinking about how to put them to best use and planning our planting to celebrate Le Grand Depart coming to Yorkshire.