Sunday 22 May 2011

2011 Gardening again.

There have been quite a few changes since my last post.
There are big plans afoot at Fagley Primary to improve the school grounds and offer a plethora of new and exciting learning opportunities for the children.

Along with the installation of new multi games nets, there as been the installation of a fantastic new outdoor classroom/gazebo and the re-siting of the veg beds on the school field.

A few weeks ago, a variety of young fruit trees were planted and this week, children from each class across the school were involved in weeding and planting up the veg beds.

In order to ensure the vegetables are well looked after, three children from each class (five from year 6) have been appointed to oversee the day to day tasks. The children have been organised into three teams, hedgehogs, ladybugs and bumblebees. They will follow a rota of six tasks overseeing two tasks per team each week.
These tasks are:

  • Watering

  • Pest Patrol

  • Planting, sowing and harvesting

  • Tool tidying

  • Weeding

  • Blogging and logging

Phew, so that's the theory. We will have to wait and see how it works out in practice

So far, the children have planted mimulas, pansies, petunias and marigolds in the Reception planters and herb bed.

In the veg beds they have planted, courgettes, strawberries, broccoli, cabbage, sprouts, french beans, sweetcorn and radish.

We had a lovely sunny morning in which to carry out the work followed by a good drenching in the afternoon. The weekend has proved incredibly windy however, so fingers crossed that our tender crops have survived!