Wednesday 9 November 2011

Leaf litter collecting.

This afternoon, members of the KS2 Garden Team headed down to Fagley Community Centre to help collect leaf litter to compost. Armed with rakes and spades, they managed to collect two huge bagfuls. The eagle eyed children spotted a whole host of mini beasts hiding out amongst the autumn leaves including earthworms, ladybirds and earwigs. Next job on the list was to plant some garlic in the Community Centre vegetable beds. Pete also gave us some cloves to take back to school to add to the ones planted by the year one children yesterday.

The wellingtons donated so far were a put to good use as it was very muddy underfoot (much to the children's pleasure). We still need lots more wellies though and we are looking at ways of increasing our stocks. In the meantime any further donations of boots (and waterproofs) will be gratefully received.