Wednesday 5 June 2013

Weed, Water and Plant for the Sun is Shining

The tidy up continued in the vegetable garden today. The site manager has mown the grass so there was lots of raking to do. With the pathways looking tidy, attention turned to the borders of the veg garden. Weeds were pulled, broken pots and empty compost bags were collected. Re-useable pots were cleaned out and returned to the gardening container and slugs and snails were uncovered to the delight of an inquisitive mistle thrush who had been observing from the fruit orchard.
Forget-me-not planter
Next, the broad bean beds were weeded and waters and the bean plants thinned out to give them adequate growing space. The beans planted by the nursery children are growing splendidly.

Broad Beans
The kohl rabi and beetroot beds also needed thinning, weeding and watering. Some of the kohl rabi thinnings were transplanted into pots.

The carrot bed was raked over and new seeds sown, as the previous ones do not appear to have germinated.
Kohl Rabi

The strawberries are coming into flower now and looking rather lovely. More weeding was required  here (including a rather sneaky nettle which was hiding among the strawberry leaves, before making its presence decidedly known to my right arm!) 

Cabbage, cauliflower and swede seeds were sown in the remaining beds once they too had had a good weeding.

The butterfly border will need to be weeded in the next week or so as dandelions and docks have forced their way through the mulch. Frogwarts castle was looking the worse for wear so it was partly dismantled, leaving the four stone walls standing. I did consider relocating the castle 'ruin' it to the bog garden but it is rather heavy so will need another pair of hands to help shift it!

Kohl Rabi Surrounded by Pansies
The final task for today was to sort out the garden container. Things had become somewhat jumbled over the winter (hailstorms and driving rain are not conducive to the careful replacing of equipment used!)

Current Bush
The next few weeks will no doubt see a great deal more weeding and watering and hopefully the emergence of our new seedlings.

The Bog Garden