Tuesday 28 May 2013

Fagley Primary at the Chelsea Flower Show.

On May 24th, four of our keen gardeners headed down to London to represent our school on the Scotts Miracle Gro stand at the Chelsea Flower Show.

It was an early start, but the children were up for the challenge and raring to go. The children were very excited about travelling on the London Underground for the first time. 

Miracle Gro 1913 Garden
On arriving at the show, the children were briefed about their responsibilities whilst on the stand. They were required to hand out leaflets detailing Miracle Gro's 'Learning Journey' and invite visitors to record their comments about the stand. There were visitors from all over the world who were keen to hear about the children's gardening experiences. Despite it being very wet and chilly, the children did a fantastic job.
Miracle Gro 1940s Garden

Miracle Gro 1940s Garden
Miracle Gro-wers from around the country

Chelsea Pensioner visiting the stand

London Underground