Wednesday 13 June 2012

Funding for Garden Projects

We have recently applied for a grant from the Arla 'kids closer to nature' scheme, which if successful, will enable us to begin work on a wildflower garden.

Setting up and maintaining a school gardening programme can be a costly business, but the benefits to the children taking part are priceless. Over the years we have been able to build up a good bank of tools and equipment through Morrison's Let's Grow Scheme . We have also benefited from the Woodland Trust's scheme to supply schools with saplings and hedgerow plants .

The RHS Campaign for School Gardening website has a comprehensive list of funding contacts to explore.

Our priority at Fagley Primary over the next 12 months are to put systems in place to enable us to produce our own compost and to address the issue of the condition of our soil. This will mean taking steps to remove stubborn weeds and by rotovating and introducing soil improver into areas where we wish to plant to encourage healthy growth. Although this is not the most glamorous side of gardening, it is vital to ensure the long term success of planting projects.