Wednesday 15 June 2011

Weeding and Label Making

Over the spring bank holiday, a delightfully quaint fence was erected around our veg beds. It has really helped to stop the children using the beds as a climbing frame, shame it can't keep the pigeons at bay too!!
Our veggies planted in May are making good progress, with some strawberries already ripening.
However the weeds are doing rather well too.
Today, the children tackled some of the many weeds that have shot up since the recent spell of sunshine and showers. There is plenty more weeding though.

The KS2 Gardening Leaders have been busy making labels for our veg beds. They have been using the Internet to search for interesting facts about our veggies.
When the Garden Leaders have finished typing up their labels the KS1 garden club members are going to illustrate them with some lovely drawings.