Tuesday 12 May 2009

Anyone for salad?

Today the children planted out the flower seedlings that were sown a few weeks ago. They have been placed in the grounds of the children's centre and will provide a splash of colour in the coming months (provided they survive the marauding snail population!)

The cauliflower plants have taken a bit of a battering in the high winds over the last week so it may be necessary to transplant a few more and provide them with some cover until they can become more established.

The cut and come again salad leaves planted several weeks ago have done very well and we were able to harvest some today. The children all had a little taste and the rest of the leaves will be accompanying tomorrow's school lunch. The children are very excited about the rest of the school sampling their first crop. We also sowed some more salad leaves so that hopefully we can provide the kitchen with a regular supply of fresh produce!