Tuesday 14 October 2008

First Garden Club Meeting

The members of Fagley gardening club met for the first time today.

We talked about what the children would like to do at the club. Growing veggies and creating wildlife habitats were popular choices.

After a few seasonal healthy snacks, we ventured out into the drizzly courtyard to sow some trays of salad leaves and cress. Some of the children also helped us to erect as mini greenhouse to protect our delicate little seeds.

Although it was a nice sheltered area to work in, having to de-boot before cutting back through the classroom was not ideal.
So we may need to think of a way we can change between indoor and outdoor shoes more easily!

At the end of the first session, some of the children had a look through a selection of gardening books to find inspiration for suitable growing projects.

Next Tuesday we plan to do some activities with a Halloween flavour.. so watch this space....